Wednesday, September 28, 2005

ahh! a peaceful moment of sibling love. He actually sat still long enough for Tayor to read him a story. I am so glad they love each other and do not fuss.
What a weekend we had, Chris' family came down to celebrate Taylor and Cole's birthday. We had a good visit with his mom and brothers. Debbie bought me two cake plates from Mikasa that are so beautiful, she said they were a belated birthday gift. How sweet!
Taylor had a soccer game Saturday that was so windy it was ridiculous. However, the game she played on Monday was her best game by far. You couldn't tell who her parents were because everyone was cheering for her. We had a good time.
Chris' work and school is keeping him busy. Sometimes we only get to see him for a little while, but we have a date every Wednesday to watch Lost.
Conan is learning new words everyday. It seems like his communication and recognition have really stepped up this last week and a half. He is fascinated with the light fixtures and blowing kisses. How cute is that. Nothing like a kiss from your sweet baby boy!


Kami said...

Wait! Who's that giant kid in Taylor's lap? Where's baby Conan?

katertoter said...

I know can you believe he will be a year old in 4 weeks....Yikes!

CrazyMommy said...

AHHH...Katie don't remind me! So depressing! Hope to see yout 100 list soon ;)