Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I just love his frog chair he got for his birthday.
This weekend was fairly busy. Saturday I went to CS baby shower and it was so sweet. Her son will be decked out for sure. Saturday night we were able to leave Conan with Taylor and Cassy and eat dinner with Sheesha and her husband at PF Changs. It was yummy and best of all it was adults only! After we got back we all went over to Sheesha's house so the boys could watch UFC.

Sunday we went to baby Jake's baptism. It was very sweet, what I saw of it -thanks to mr. crabby. Sunday afternoon was filled with the halls of IKEA. Taylor, Conan and I went with Sheesha and Mak Mak. I think Sheesha and I could go a little crazy in that place! It was really fun and thanks to Taylor we were able to see almost everything. Conan slept the whole time, thank goodness. Mak Mak was an angel-of course. Conan would never have put up with all that shopping if he had been awake.

I can't believe Thursday is Thanksgiving. Thursday is also Christopher's birthday. I need to take the kids shopping so they can get him a gift. I am excited for the upcoming holidays!


CrazyMommy said...

Nice to know my nickname has carried on to the land of Katie's Krew :)

We had a blast and can't wait for more dang fun!

katertoter said...

I love Sheesha and Mak Mak. Anytime girlfriend.