Sunday, February 17, 2008


We have been some party fools lately! Conan always has such a good time and everyone throws such great parties. Today we went to Matthews 3rd BD at the gymnastics place. ROCK On! Conan got to run, jump, chase, bounce, swing, to his hearts content. One thing I love about this age is that he is old enough and understand well enough that I don't have to hold his hand all the time. It was bittersweet getting to watch from the sidelines. (this allows me to have my camera in hand all the time) He did just what the coach/party host guy asked him to do and he followed instructions and waited his turn! I was really proud of him. I think I am going to sign him up for classes soon. The little guy is a fearless monkey just begging to play!! Happy Birthday Matthew, we had a great time.

Valentine's Day Party

We had the opportunity to go to a V-Day party on Friday and it was so sweet. The host did a great job with everything and the little valentine bags the kids made were adorable. I just love this time of year...almost Spring!!!

This would be what my child does now when I get the camera out to take pictures---he pretends to be asleep. Hello! I only get so many Mama and son pictures, could you at least cooperate once in a while. Geesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have one party animal =) He is growing up way too fast!