Sunday, December 31, 2006

A look at 2006 in pictures

I was looking through all of my 2006 pictures and decided to share a few from each month. It is amazing to see the changes in our family. I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2007!

Family Picture 2006

December 2006- We had a great visit from Cassy adn Rylee-Kate, and spent Christmas at our house with Granny and the boys. I had so much fun watching Conan get excited this year.

November 2006- Conan turned 2! He got his feet rubbed by Gramma P and I took Mak and Conan's 2nd year pics and Taylor's soccer team took 3rd in state. (Rec ball)

October 2006- We painted pumkins this year. A and I went to H's Wedding in Austin and I caught Mak sleeping like an angel.

September 2006- Taylor Turned 14 this year adn had a filp flop slumber party. Conan also got to help celebrate his buddy, Jake's 1st birthday.

August 2006- Chris and I celebrated our 3rd anniversay and my mom came down to watch the kids.

July 2006-In July we went to Stillwater. Taylor visited with her Grandmother and I turned 26 this year.

June 2006- We had a busy summer playing and trying to stay cool.

May 2006- May brought a heat wave and many hours at the pool and water park.

April 2006- April was a busy month for us. Conan turned 18 months, Rylee-Kate celebrated her 2nd birthday and we had a great Easter at our house.

March 2006- We took a family trip to the local petting Zoo. Conan loved it!

February 2006- Conan all dressed up in his Cowboy gear, dancing on the coffee tabel.

January 2006- The kids and I went to Florida to visit my Mom. Here we are at Gator Land.

1 comment:

quiltcrazy said...

Katie, love your year in review.
I miss ya from the I75-moms group,
but enjoy "keeping up" on your
blog. You're such a talented
photographer and I really enjoy
seeing your pix! Keep up the good
work and have a great 2007!
