Monday, April 23, 2007

Wedding weekend

This says it all!

We had a great weekend. Chris, Conan and I traveled to Tulsa to go to a friends wedding; Taylor stayed behind to play soccer and it was also team picture day. Conan was having some bowel issues but once we got over that he was great! He is talking so much that everything out of his mouth either 1) amazes me 2) startles me 3) or cracks the hell out of me. Oh the things this child picks up on. The wedding was sweet, but if you ask Conan he will only talk about riding the 4 wheeler. I don't understand how moms do it, that is have sons. Conan is fearless and it makes me fearful. I can only imagine how the next 16 years are going to pan out. "Hold on tight Mama, this one is gonna be a dandy."

These pics are in no particular order.

I posted this one because my hubby is actually smiling in a picture! Whoo Hoo
We had fun driving up there. We talked and laughed, ate Italian Nachos at Johnny Carinos (super yummy) and just enjoyed each other. Reminded me that the small things really do matter. This picture also reminded me that we will be celebrating our 4th anniversay in just a few months. HOLY COW!

Granny and the boys.

This would be Conan watching Conan the Destroyer in the car on the road.

Granny gave him a blue gumball right before the wedding. Hey, it matched his shirt!

Conan and Uncle Corey on the 4 wheeler. They even popped a wheelie.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Katie! Conan is so stinkin cute!

Texan in Kuwait said...

OMG, I love that first picture. WOW. You look great, Katie!

I know...4 years. Holy.

Joy said...

It looks like you had a ball! 4're just a baby, we'll be celebrating 8! GULP!!! I'm OLD! :)