Sunday, April 01, 2007


Because A and her family were not going to be able to spend Easter with us next week, we had our own pre-Easter egg hunt st our house last night. This year the kids understood more and were really able to participate and enjoy. We ate pizza and salad, dyed eggs, opened presents and hunted eggs! What a great time and the weather was awesome. Unfortunately the lawn care company came and sprayed fertilized and weed killer that morning so we had to hide the eggs in the house. The kids didn't mind and had a blast. I was a little sad watching them knowing this would be our first Easter without Rylee-Kate and Cassy here to celebrate with us. Happy Egg Day you guys!
This would be Conan holding the table decoration

Here is Mak--all about the sugar!

The eggs, about to get a face lift.

Conan, down to business. He was on rapid dye speed. I swear if I wasn't standing right there he would throw the egg in and then take it right out and then say "more please, more please" Not quite sure he understood that it takes a min for the dye to work....:)
Look Mom, I'm done...most of his eggs were pink..hummmm?

One big happy Easter family....we look really tired, oh that's right I just spent the last half hour dying eggs with a two year old. Silly me!

Sweet Makena, taking her time with the eggs.

One big happy Lutes family

What a boy does with an Easter basket.

Side view

Getting down to some serious egg hunting business.

Here they are with their cute Backyardigan Easter animals.

Conan is trying to figure out how his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle works that Mak gave him.


Anonymous said...

So very cute!

Dave Richards said...

Lovely photos...and seems like you guys had a wonderful time... Easter is certainly round the corner and great to see people excited about it...and for some more goodies and fun Also visit my blog on Easter Greetings sometime and enjoy all that i've posted there!!!

Joy said...

OMG! I just saw the pic of Conan with the frog basket on his head!!!! That is too, too funny! Boys!!!