Friday, October 05, 2007

Roller Coaster Day!

Whew! I am so glad that is over. I was really proud of Conan yesterday. He was so brave and strong. He made friends with the surgery staff the minuet we walked in the door carrying his dinosaur and train set. I truly believe my son doesn't know a stranger. While I was filling out paper work Chris got Conan changed into his hospital gown and the nurse was so sweet to let Conan help her take his vitals. He pushed buttons, sat still, asked why about a thousand times, and clapped when they were done. He has such a huge smile and wants to make everyone around him laugh. Conan went right to the anesthesiologist when they came to take him back, not so much as a whimper.

The procedure lasted about 45min. Dr. Baseman came to tell us that everything went great. Conan was doing fine and that we could go see him in recovery. That is where the fun began. Conan we completely disoriented and confused. He was screaming, kicking, hitting, arching his back and pushing us away. That little guy can get pretty freaking strong. This went on for a solid 25 min. We were worn out. This is when the tears came. I felt so sorry for him, he didn't even want me to hold him and he kept trying to pull his IV out. All I wanted to do was console and comfort him and it broke my heart. After about 25 min he finally let me rock him and he fell asleep. He was still asleep when they released him and he slept most of the way home. When we were almost home he woke up all chipper and asked if he could eat lunch.

He slept through the night and is pretty sleepy today. Happy but calm. :)

Thanks to everyone that called, came to see us, e-mailed and prayed for us! It sure made us feel great knowing he was in everyone's thoughts. Here are a few pics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope his recovery is going well. I am sorry to hear he had a few problems upon waking... poor Conan and poor Momma! Hugs to you both.