Friday, January 09, 2009

Kolbie's birth first few days

It all happened so fast that I am having a hard time remembering it all. I will have her birth story up soon but for now here is are some pictures of the event.

We are all so in love with her and think she is the best little baby ever. She sleeps so well and is eating good. I can't get over her how much hair she has and her gorgeous twinkling blue eyes. If every birth and every baby was like Kolbie, I would have three more!


Helen said...

I seriously LOVE those baby girl hospital hats. She looks so adorable in it!

Joy said...

What a great looking family. How exciting. Party of 5 please!

Finelly said...

You have such a sweet little family, Katie. I'm with Helen - that bow beenie is so cute!

Heather said...

I'm so far behind on bloggin! But I have to tell you these pictures are so sweet! I, too, LOOOOVE those baby girl hospital hats! Kolbie is precious!