Thursday, November 09, 2006

2nd Year Well Visit

"A nice healthy big, strong boy." A quote from Dr. Alvis.

Here are his 2nd year stats:
Weight: 31 lbs 9 oz (85%)
Height: 38 in (99%)
Head Circum: 20in (93%)

Conan took a vision test and has perfect vision. This is a good thing. I worried that he would have problems because I had bad eyesight. Dr. Alvis asked if Conan could say 2 word sentences? Hello, he can sing the entire alphabet, tell you your shirt color in spanish, and has Go Dog Go memorized. Yes, I think he can say two word sentences! Dr. Alvis asked this question after Conan just got done telling him about his birthday, in at least 7 word sentences. Anyway, Conan is developmentally beyond where he should be and very healty. I am so proud and pleased. He even got a shot without so much as a squeek. I can't believe I have a 2 year old. Everyday presents new challenges along with imeasurable joy. I can't wait to see what the next has to offer!

I love you sweet Boy.


MommyOutOfControl said...

The shot without a peep is unheard of in a two year old...I work in a Family Med Practice now and even some of the five year olds carry on and on and on! Happy Birthday to the little cutie patootie.

katertoter said...

Thanks a bunch. I appreciate the birthday wishes.