Sunday, November 05, 2006

If I could stop time

If I could stop time,
I would stop it when you slept in my arms
in the quiet night
after you drank my milk and drifted
back into a deep sleep of innocence,
your little lips a puckered pout...
You breathed so deeply, your rising chest warm
and solid against my own heart.
I would hold your tiny hand, and let the world stand still
as I pressed the buttery pads of your fingers
and thought about all the moments
they rested on my face
I would softy tell you every story
he told me so many times...
And they would become a part of us.
I would look at your face in the night-light glow,
trace the lines of your ears
and I would kiss them tenderly
as I petted your fuzzy head and
whispered a lifetime of
I love you's
I'm proud of you
My heart is yours
And yours is mine...
If I could stop time.
(I have so much more to post, but for now, just let me say thanks to everyone who celebrated Conan's 2nd birthday. For those of you who were here, it was an honor to have you. For those of you who could not physically be here, we missed you. I have lots more to post......but for now I think we all need a nice long nap!)


hollibobolli said...

I'm glad you all had fun at the birthday party - happy birthday, Conan!

Joy said...

So sweet Katie. Can you believe it's been two years already? It happens way to fast.

Now bring on the birthday pics!