Thursday, November 16, 2006

More birthday fun

Here are a few more pictures of the party.

This is inside the barn seeingthe animals up-close and personal. I think the adults loved it just as much as the kids. It was fun to see their faces when she got each animal out. Leading up to his party if you asked Conan what animal he wanted to see at his party he replied,with a big grin, "big snake!" However, when she showed them him the big snake, the only thing he could say was say and make the sign for, "ALL DONE"
Here the kids are getting more bread to feed the animals.

Keeping at a safe distance.

This is Gabe posing for a country GQ magazine. I swear Gabe, I am turning this into a christmas card!
Brook and Gabe petting a dog. They were so sweet to come and celebrate with us. Thanks guys I loved having you there!
Just another picture of the treats.

A picture of the balloons a certain 2 year old had to have! (maybe it was his mother...can't remember:)
Yes, this is exactly what it looks like. His great grandmother IS giving him a foot rub. If she stopped for a second he would say, "more please" He had fun with her and I am very glad she was able to come with my Mom. Thanks Gee-ma.

Nana always comes bearing gifts. Conan had a blast playing trucks with Nana.

I still can't believe he is 2...and its been 2 weeks since his birthday.

Taylor has a soccer tournament this weekend. I hope to have some pictures to post and hopefully the girls play well. Good Luck!

1 comment:

hollibobolli said...

It looks like so much fun - I'm glad it turned out so great!!!