Monday, March 26, 2007


This weekend Conan and I planted flowers around the base of our tree in the front yard. I bought him some gloves, (Sponge Bob, he picked them out himself) and a shovel. The boy was in heaven. When I was digging I found two grub worms that I showed hium. He wanted to put them in his pocket and take them to school to show Ms. Jennifer. Ummm I think I better start checking his pockets on a regular basis. He was more trouble than help, but cute as can be.

The other night Chris and I wanted to go for a walk so we drug out the ol' hicking backpack and loaded the boy in. He really liked it. We walked to a near by park and stopped at Sonic on our way back. The backpack has a 40 lb weight limit so I guess we better use it while we can...until the next baby. This picture cracks me up...they look like they are going on a death march.

1 comment:

Joy said...

How Cute! He looks so small in that back pack...not a normal look for Conan. :)