Wednesday, September 05, 2007 baby sister

....not from me! Lately Conan has decided that he has a new baby sister. He named her Jackson. This is how our conversation went on the way to school this morning. After he informed me that I had sat on Jackson and that it wasn't very nice.

Conan: Mom, we have to be very quiet around baby Jackson.
Me: Really?, who is baby Jackson?
Conan: Mom! She is my baby sister
Me: How old is your baby sister?
Conan: teenie tiny
Me: Oh really, who takes care of her?
Conan" Moms wipe butts very gently so you change her diaper and then bring her to me and I will feed her.
Me: Ok son. Why did you name her Jackson?
Conan: Stop asking me questions, Mom

We have a new family member named Jackson everyone.

I find this all rather funny seeing how when I asked him last week if he wanted a baby brother or sister his reply was that he was the baby and he already had a sister. Hummm.

~something he said the other day cracked me up: I sing "Jesus Loves Me", and "Jesus Loves the Little Children" every night before we go to bed. The other day he told me that I couldn't sing that song because Baby Jesus had a runny nose and if would hurt his feeling if we sang that song and baby Jesus couldn't sing it with us. Ok. goof ball.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Too freakin' cute! How adorable is that? Jackson? Where'd he come up with that? Don't you just want to squeeze and eat them up when they say stuff like that? *sigh*