Thursday, September 20, 2007


It never ceases to amaze me the direction life can take you. the people you meet, the experiences that come your way and what lessons you will learn along the journey. I am more than blessed to be a wife, mother, sister, aunt, best friend, artist, dreamer, and some days I am even a pirate swabbing the deck! I have been thinking a lot lately about ...well everything. How does life all fit together and what it all means, nothing to deep mind you, just simple thoughts. I certainly have not figured anything profound out to say the least, but what I have come to realize is that life is what you make it. I can take a stressful day and let it affect how I am at home, or I can leave it at the office and treasure the time I have with my family. I can take a 20 min workout and work my butt off and feel great at the end or I can cut it short and tell myself that I at least tried. Life is truly about the small things. I have said this many times about many things, but it is so true.

I only get today once. What can I do to make it special? What can I learn and what can I teach. What will Conan say to crack me up. How can I show Taylor that I appreciate and care for her more? How will Chris show me today how much he loves me. Will I be able to have enough patients to deal with the kids? Who knows, but if we did it wouldn't be any fun would it?

Conan will have his surgery on October the 4th. It is a procedure that is done over and is not open heart surgery or anything major, however it is my child and therefore it is a big deal to me. I need him more than he needs me. God, keep him safe and let him know just how much we love him and please make his body heal quickly.

1 comment:

Joy said...

We share your prayers Katie.

Joy, Brian and Jake