Saturday, June 28, 2008

Baseball Baby!!!!

Even though Conan misses the age cutoff for baseball this fall they ARE GOING TO LET HIM PLAY!!!!!!

I am so excited...and so is the boy!

Chris has been working with him on catching throwing batting etc. He can throw over hand about halfway across our backyard, he can catch the ball with a glove most of the time and he can hit the ball to the fence. I am so proud of him. Chris and I are both very eager to watch him play and hope he enjoys the game. Baseball in the fall and then Chris is going to sign him up for wrestling in the Spring. I must say that Conan is thrilled about the wrestling. We watch a lot of UFC in our house so it only makes since that he would want to fight.

Here are a few pictures I forgot to post from our camping trip. Conan used the metal lid as a shield and we took foam swords....he was in little boy heaven.

The next pictures are Chris and Conan actually riding the tube! He was not too thrilled about it but got through it. He would much rather just swim.


Heather said...

Okay, that's AWESOME about baseball! Yay for Conan!
Wrestling? 4 year olds can wrestle?! I would have never though, that's exciting!
Where did you get the foam swords?!? We need some, seriously!
And the tube! Is it 'legal' for 3 year olds to ride on the tube!? Riley has been dying to do it, but I didn't know if it was allowed!?!

Joy said...

How fun!!! Let us know when he has a game...if he has a game...Jake would love to see it!