Tuesday, July 15, 2008

just as beautiful

Your first baby is always going to be a special time. Everything is so new and wonderful. I questioned how I would feel the second time around but when I saw her wiggling inside me on the screen and Conan squeal with excitement, I nearly burst.

It is just as beautiful as the first time.

I cried afterwards in the car thinking that I am so lucky to be able to love and hold 2 amazing kids and one of them is the size of a peach!!! I am trying to enjoy every second of this pregnancy as it may be my last. I want to remember every movement, every day of having her so close to me.

Oh and the neat part.............

the tech told us that she is 80% sure its a...


-just wait to start buying pink. that is going to be rather difficult as I made the mistake of looking at girl Robeez. I am in trouble.


Anonymous said...

Aw, how sweet! Get your purse ready ... you will be opening it A L O T! Girls are deadly =)

Meghan said...


It really is just as amazing the second time around, possibly even more so because you know how much you're going to love them.

cassy said...

Well. Now that my eyes are teary and I can't see, might I say that I am so completely happy for you and that this little one is probably pink!!!

I've been looking at so much girlie stuff and am about to pee my pants. Do I really have to wait until JANUARY to meet her???

I love you bunches. Take care of yourself and my niece!

Joy said...

I'm so happy for you Katie! How exciting!

Melanie said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting!

Heather said...

WOW! How exciting! Those pictures are wonderful, very clear! 80% sure it's a girl! Oh boy! That will be sooo exciting for you!
I love your outlook on the 'last pregnancy'. As I debate on having another child that's one of the things I think about...I didn't have that conscious thought process during my first pregnancy, that it was also my last...I don't feel like I 'held' onto it enough, and I want that chance!