Monday, July 31, 2006

Life, or something like it.

My poor husband. Chris woke up Sunday doubled over in back pain. He could barley move it hurt so bad. Yesterday was also the day Conan decided to test my patients to the max. Nothing made him happy and everything made him mad. I really hope this stage is over quickly. One more reason I want to go back to work. Conan goes to school and that will keep him busy.
Chris went to work but is looking for a chiropractor to see today.

Nothing really exciting happening, just busy with everyday life stuff.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy ... you need to catch a break! I hope Chris feels better after his appt.

MommyOutOfControl said...

Oh, I hope Chris finds a chiro who can help find him so relief quickly. As for Conan...don't you just love the days when they are so happy lovey and throwing toys in your face? Hang in there.