Friday, August 18, 2006


If blogger does not let me upload pictures soon, I am switching.

What I am supposed to think of my 21 month old when I put him down for the night and he screams for 10 minutes because he wants to stay up and watch the UFC fight? "fight mama, Nonan watch fight." Ok, but if I let him watch he better make some good money one day. It was actually pretty funny. He shouts "ouch, ouch" the whole time they are fighting.

Taylor started 8th grade on Monday. She is taking all pre-AP classes and they really hit the ground running. She had homework every night and quizzes in every class today. She also started soccer and will start voice lessons soon.

Chris starts school on the 24th, which means our lives are about to get hectic. Good times!

We started attending a new Church here in McKinney. They have a great youth program we hope to get both kids involved in.

I am still looking for a job. Pretty tired of the hunt. Anyone know of anything, help a sister out.

I sort of feel like I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing. I would have loved to have found a teaching position. I really want to do graphic design work, just not sure right now what is the best thing. I guess if I am patient things will fall into place.

I would love to share some photos that I took on our anniversary trip, however, blogger is being a brat. Hopefully soon.

Sorry this was so random.


Kellie said...

Sounds like things have been busy for you!

Wish I could help you out on the job search, but I am guessing you don't want to commute to Fort Worth! I hope you find something you really like soon.

Can't wait to see your pictures!

Texan in Kuwait said...

Wow, it's so hard for me to believe that Taylor is in 8th grade. EIGHTH. Time is flying, huh?

I know the search has to be frustrating, and I'm sorry. You just have to know that you're doing what you should be. Put your resume out there...apply for everything even slightly interesting and see what happens. Have you talked to any recruiters?

Conan is cracking me up.

We miss y'all. Lots.