Thursday, January 18, 2007

Where do babies come from....

...well, according to my son, they come from Wal-mart. He woke up from his nap yesterday crying and crying for a baby brother. When I told him he did not have one, he told me to go to Wal-mart and get one. Nice.

On the way to school we always play the "Whats that" and the "why" game. This morning he asked me a few "whats that" and then he said "is that a Hay field, Mom?" It was. (I didn't even know he knew what that was, but ok.) Then he said. "I like to eat bananas in the hay field" "Bananas are yummy" Man kids say the darndest things. He cracks me up all the time. I love this age.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Isn't it great! And it just keeps getting better!