Saturday, February 10, 2007

Having Fun

I have to say, Conan is at a really awesome age. We have so much fun playing together, and he just keeps us all in stitches. He says the funniest things sometimes. I am trying so hard to treasure him and the time we have together. I know he will only be this little for a short time and I do NOT want to miss one second of it.
We are going to take him to see Charlotte's Web this afternoon. I really hope that he will sit through this one because of all the animals. Every time we take to see a movie we swear that will be the last one until he is 5, but hey the temptation one. I love the movies.
Only 4 more days until Valentine's Day!! WooHoo.


Texan in Kuwait said...

I'm totally diggin that HRC shirt, mayn.

God, I miss that lil bugger. This is SUCH a fun age.

Meghan said...

He is SUCH a cutie!

I love that last picture.