Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Do I really have to share?...

Conan has entered the world of computers and now I have to share my machine with him! At least he is learning stuff and has to participate, which is more than I can say for T.V. I had to bribe him to get him off this afternoon so I could get my work done. Geez!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world! =)

Crazy Kids' Mama said...

Get him on - he'll LOVE it. They use it in Kindergarten.

Heather said...

Yes, Welcome to my world too!!! LOL Riley LOVES the computer! May I make a suggestion? If you haven't already, give Conan his own LOG IN, so that way he can't accidentally delete any emails, documents, pictures, etc. My neice did that to my SIL's computer once, so I keep myself protected, just in case! LOL

Joy said...

A whole new world. I never thought about having to share that too! What am I gonna do when he has the TV on his show and playing a computer game? I guess I'll have to get some house work done! :O

Future Nomad said...

He looks just like his daddy in this photo! Great to hear the pregnancy is going so well. My coworker is finding out the sex of her baby today! My Sister-in-law is a few weeks behind her too, so I am keeping up with three pregnancies right now.