Friday, March 24, 2006

Goodbye Dallas.....Hello Chicago!

In about 7 hours, Angela and I will be leaving on a jet plane to the great city of Chicago. What makes this city so great? Is it the fact that James Blunt will be there? Or maybe because it is home to Oprah? or maybe it is great because it is NOT Dallas. I think I am more excited to have a girls weekend than anything else. I am super excited and I will have lots of pics to share when I get back.

Mr. James Blunt himself.


CrazyMommy said...

You love James Blunt too don't you?? Admit it!! You even took the time to find a pic online to post to your blog. I am not the only stalking...err...I mean fan.

I am so excited...I think the girls weekend more so then anything.

6 hours and 20 min and counting.

Joy said...

How fun! I hope you have a good time! Have a big piece of Chicago pizza for me!

Tonia said...

Have a great time...HMMM...I need a girls weekend.

MommyOutOfControl said...

Have a great time...I so heart him.
He makes my heart melt. What a voice...goosebumps.
Enjoy every single minute!