Tuesday, March 07, 2006


2 days old-going home from the hospital. He still drags that blankie around.
A very rare quiet moment in the swing with my favorite Robeez on.
Here he is at 2 weeks with his head up looking around. He has always been very strong.
I was just having some reflections today and was a little sad. Conan is now 16 months old and I wonder where my baby is? I love watching him grow and learning new things everyday. It is hard to believe how quickly they change. I love this little boy!


Tonia said...

That is amazing at 2 weeks!!

katertoter said...

Thanks, i had nothing to do with it. Maybe the fact that he was almost 10lbs at birth had something to do with it!

Anonymous said...

He is so darn precious Katie! I cannot believe how big he has gotten!

katertoter said...

You and me both.
Hope you have been well. Haven't talked to you in awhile.

Joy said...

Holy cow! He was so little! Even though he was so big! Can you believe how much he's changed in such a short time. I bet when you were taking that picture at two weeks you couldn't imagine the stinker you have now. What a cutie!

cassy said...

Wow, you do forget. His hair was so red looking.

You're doing an awesome job, mama! I'm very proud of you. =D

Okay enough big sister sappiness.

CrazyMommy said...

Katie...would you miss him if I ate him up?? So darn adorable...it is amazing when I look at those pictures, it looks like him...but then it doesn't...does that make any sense??

Anyway, just precious and yes...you are doing a fabulous job.

katertoter said...

You guys really know how to make a girl feel good! I just want him to always be my baby, no matter how big he gets.

Melanie said...

I love those cheeks! That is great for a two week old.