Friday, July 13, 2007

...How to save a life.

We had an absolute ball at The Fray. The weather was warm but wonderful. We laughed and talked giggled and danced, sang and shouted. I think A and I could have sat there all day just people watching. Holy cow there are some very interesting people out there. The band was incredible live and we had a blast just laying on our blanket enjoying the evening. It was a great birthday present and I had such a good time. Thanks so much A for everything (including the 8 dollar piece of pizza and the mondo margarita!)

The venue was sweet. Your choice of seating included: pit, regular seating in chairs, or the lawn. We got lawn tickets and brought a blanket. It was so comfortable being able to spread out or lay down. Every seat was a good seat. The opening bands were pretty great as well. It was a perfect concert.

You are officially my groupie! Peace out.


Kellie said...

Glad you had a good time!

Joy said...

It looks like you had a great time! Next time I wanna go too!! :)

katertoter said...

We should get a group together and go. The atmosphere was awesome, relaxed and comfortable. Its worth it

Joy said...

Ok, when's the next concert?! I'm game!