Sunday, July 22, 2007

Jungle Gym

We had a pretty fun packed weekend with family and friends. Friday night, Angela and I went to a party and I was able to see some friends I had not seen in a while. It was great to catch up with all of them.

Conan was supposed to start basketball this Saturday, however it has been postponed 2 weeks. He was so excited to start (he even picked out his water bottle and everything) so when I had to tell him he had to wait...he was heart broken. It is next to impossible to get a 2.5 year old to understand the idea of WAIT!

We took him to a new pizza place that had games and cheesy rides and his heart was mended momentarily. We were also able to spend some time at the pool. It was nice and relaxing and CCC loves it. Chris took me on a late date Saturday night. We went to Rock Fish for some seafood fondue and margaritas, then it was off to see Live Free, or Die Hard it was pretty good. We payed for the 2:00am bedtime the next day when Conan demanded his breakfast at 6:30! Long gone are my sleeping in days, heck, I don't even remember what that is. :)

Today we went to a birthday party for one of his buddy's 3rd birthday from school. The theme was "pretty pretty, princess" my son left asking if he could be a girl and have a birthday like hers. Ummm NO. but you can play with the princess balloon, until it Pops. The party was held at a place called Jungle Gym and Conan loved it. He got to run around all crazy like and they had some neat activities for the kids. Now I am getting ready to tackle the mound of laundry attacking me from my bedroom and hopefully get some much needed RR.

Hey Lurkers come out and say hello...I won't bite, I promise


Joy said...

Katie, he is just getting cuter and cuter everyday! I love the pic at the end of him with Makena. And the Princess party? Priceless! How hysterical! You gotta tell me where this place was, it looks awesome!

cassy said...

Oh man.

I'm teary.

I can't believe how big he's getting.

Squeeze him hard for me and give him big ole kisses.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Katie. Your boy is growing up fast and simply adorable!

Crazy Kids' Mama said...

OMG - he is so cute and so grown up looking; what a little man he's turning into.