Sunday, July 01, 2007

Rain, Weekend, and Chicken Pox


...go away! It is July first and we have yet to begin our summer festivites. Breaking all kinds of weather records is neat and all, and I love our really low water bill, but I want some summer fun. Not to mention that any 4th of July plans are probably not going to happen which really stinks. I think this may be the reason I am in a small but pitiful funk. I need a heaping dose of vitamin D! As you can see, the view from my front door is rather gloomy. Weather forecast for this guessed it, RAIN.


We had a good weekend. Saturday Chris and I got up, when to the gym and then came home and did some major cleaning, like mopped all the tile (which covers most of my house.) I have either been to busy or to lazy to get any real cleaning done in the last month or so, and it felt really good to accomplish something, as small as is seems.

After Conan woke up from his nap we decided to go to IKEA and see if we could find Conan some "big boy" furniture. WE DID. It was very crowded and yes, the rain was coming down so we decided not to bring it home with us. Chris is going to pick it up tomorrow if the weather cooperates. I am so excited to re-decorate his room. (oh, and did I mention it was on sale?) I sort of feel sorry for the guy. He is almost 3 and still in a crib. O-well we shall have it fixed this week. I guess I have to start looking for his problem there. I will post pictures when I get it done.

Chicken Pox:

The only bad thing that happened this weekend was Saturday night when I undressed Conan for his bath, I noticed red spots all over his back. At first they looked like ant bites, but I knew he had not been outside due to the rain. Chris mentioned that it could be an allergic reaction to something, but it was not a rash, it was spots. Chris looked it up on line, I called my mom and we decided they were chicken pox. Ironically, my son got the CP vaccine. The web said that his breakout should not be as severe as if he hadn't had the vaccine, but still. Hump.

O-well, in truth, I would rather him get them now than later. So, triple C gets to stay home and play all week. Yeah Daddy!

The pictures don't quite show how bad they really are but you can still make them out. Wish the boy a quick recovery...and his mama too!

1 comment:

Texan in Kuwait said...

Oh, poor boy!! Those are no fun. But you're right. At least he's getting them now.

I can't wait to see the furniture. Decorating is so much fun!

Miss ya sista!