Monday, July 11, 2005

Cabbage Patch Kid!

Whoa..does my kid look like a cabbage patch kid or what?

He actually took a step from one toy to the other yesterday. My baby is getting so big. It is nice now that he is somewhat mobile he can entertain himself for longer periods of time, i just have to sweep more and vacuum ALL THE TIME!

Taylor called from Granny's house and she is doing good. She talked to Conan and he likes it, he tries to kiss the phone. He can be so noisy and then the minuet you hold the phone up to his ears..nothing, not even a peep. He never does his "tricks" when I want him to.

He woke up today with a runny noise...compliments of Rylee-kate. I guess his immune system with be nice and established by the time he has to go to school.

1 comment:

Kami said...

He isn't your trained monkey. That's what Nik always tell me. ;) He never does tricks when I want him to, either. He does look like a Cabbage Patch Kid!