Saturday, July 09, 2005

Messy Little Guy!

Two minuets at the computer and look what I get!
Conan had a grand ol' time playing with the trash. He was so proud of the mess he made when I turned around all he could do was grin.
It is hard to be upset with someone so cute. Now that is is crawling I notice EVERYTHING on the floor and can't believe how dirty things get so quickly.

Conan has this great interest with the dining room chairs which he rearranges anytime he is in the kitchen. O-well keeps him busy and happy and I get a few minuets to get something done. I know one day I will look back and laugh at all this and wish it hadn't gone by so quickly.


cassy said...

Awww...I love this pic. Look what I'm missing at work. =(

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Katie. If you think 25 was hard wait until 30! EEKK! LOL!! Conan is such an adorable baby! How blessed you are =)

Kami said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! I'll have to get you hooked on the weekly games now. Wednesday and friday, check my blog, missy. Your Conan is so darn cute. Does he miss his cousin?

CrazyMommy said...

Hi is a SMALL WORLD. I talked to you awhile daughter Makena is a day older Conan and you an I are basically the same age and we go to church together. Anyway, I keep a little girl Faith and her mom is friends with your sister and anyway...I found your blog through all that :)

Blogging is great isn't it?? Check ours out sometime Take Care!!