Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sweet Birthday Wishes!

Yesterday I turned 25. It wasn't so bad.
Christopher woke me up with a wispered, "happy birthday"
He signed us up for couples swing dance lessons and gave me chocolates and perfume. I am one lucky lady. He is very sweet and always put so much thought into his gifts.
Conan gave me a wonderful present. I was sitting in the bathroon talking to Chris and Conan crawled up to me, stood up and wrapped his chubby little arms around my neck and gave me a slobbery kiss! I was in Mommy Heaven. It amazes me how once you become something different (like a mother) everything else changes. That sweet kiss made me feel so special.

Taylor called from Granny's house to wish me happy birthday and Kendie and Joe sang me the song.

All-in-all it was a great day!!

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